Cockroach Extermination in Southwest Ohio
How To Identify Cockroaches
There are two types of cockroaches common in Ohio home infestations, these are the American Cockroach and the German Cockroach.Adult American cockroaches have a reddish brown coloration with a yellow ring around their prothoraxes. American Cockroach adults can grow up to 1.5 inches long and have extremely long antenna.
German Cockroaches are more of a tannish brown color, and typically have two dark stripes that run from the front to the back of their prothoraxes. Adult German cockroaches typically grow to be about 1/2 of an inch long.
How To Identify a Cockroach Infestation
If you suspect that you have a cockroach infestation, be on the lookout for cockroach feces. Smaller roach feces look like small pepper flakes or even coffee grounds, while the feces of larger roaches look like pill-shaped pellets.
Another way to identify a cockroach infestation is through the smell of the air in your home. Some species of cockroach secrete musty odors, so if you think the air in your house smells bad, look around dark spaces, warm places, and water sources to see if you can find any cockroaches. Be sure to check behind furniture and other sealed of positions in your home, as cockroaches will often lay their eggs in these areas.